Corporate Profile
President's Message
In accordance with its guiding principle of “credibility forms the basis of all businesses”, the Kyokuto Securities Group (“Kyokuto Group”) has steadily grown since its foundation along with the growth of Japan’s capital market.
This is due in no small part to the warm support of our stakeholders, including our customers and shareholders who have been in step with us, for which we are truly grateful.
We will continue to stand on our guiding principle and ensure sustainable growth, while upholding the “Face to Face business model” based on trust and “sound financial base” as our basic corporate philosophy.
As Japan has presented its policy to shift the flow of hunds towards stable asset-building for its households( i.e., a shift from saving to asset-building ), we expect that the importance of the role of the securities market will increase accordingly.
Under such circumstances, the Kyokuto Group, while recognizing its role as a securities company to shoulder the well functioning of the securities market, intends to engage in customer-oriented business operations and make efforts to grasp market trends and provide relevant information from an even wider field of view.
The Company has, under its branding slogan of “Let us help you grow your important assets”, been endeavoring to provide “unique ‘in-season’ financial products” to swiftly capture the investment environment and the market trends both domestic and abroad.
We will endeavor to discipline ourselves in order to help our customers with their asset management, while strengthening trust in relationship, through compliance-oriented investment solicitation.
We, therefore, ask that you will continue to honor us with your support and patronage.

Company Profile
Name | Kyokuto Securities Co., Ltd. |
Since | March 13, 1947 |
Head Office | 1-4-7 Nihonbashi-Kayabacho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo |
President & CEO | Kazuhiro Kikuchi |
No. of Employees | 239(As of December 31, 2023; Consolidated) |
Net Operating revenue | \4,259 million (FY2022 ended March 31, 2023; Consolidated) |
Ordinary profit | \491 million (FY2022 ended March 31, 2023; Consolidated) |
Offices | 9 Offices |
Subsidiaries | Kyokuto Property Co., Ltd. (Provision of office space to Kyokuto; Consolidated) FE Invest Co., Ltd. (Principal investment business; Consolidated) Kyokuto Securities Research Institute Inc. (Provision of research services to Kyokuto; Non-consolidated) |
Action to Implement Management that is Conscious of Cost of Capital and Stock Price
Kyokuto Securities has been striving to attain a sustainable growth by expanding its client related businesses while maintaining the “Face to Face business model (direct and face-to-face interaction with clients)”, and also by making aggressive investments by its own capital, based on its sound financial base. In light of its earnings structure, Kyokuto Securities has decided to position ROE (Return on Equity) as an important performance indicator and has endeavored to improve its earnings power.
Kyokuto Securities has now established its medium-term business plan (FY2024-FY2026) aimed at expanding its revenue base and enhancing its human capital, and by steadily implementing these policies, Kyokuto Securities will make effort to strengthen its unique business model and improve its earnings power, and ROE of 8% to be achieved as a result.
Also, Kyokuto Securities regard a proactive distribution of profits to its shareholders as one of its important management policies, and will strive to enhance shareholder returns in order to increase shareholder value.